It's finally Christmas Eve. I don't think it will ever matter how old I am-I am always excited for this day. My family has always loved Christmas, and it's a "go big or go home" attitude, so it's extra special and fun.
Last night we started on the road to Rockford for the Kuzin Konnection, but the roads were so awful that we turned around. It was a double whammy, because we missed our annual KK, and also the 23rd is always an extra special day-it was our Grandpa's birthday, and also the day he passed away, three years ago.
Today was actually my father's birthday, so I try to think about him as much as possible (not that I don't do that already). It's kind of a blessing sometimes that his birthday landed on such a festive holiday-it makes you honor rather than grieve.
I have the rest of the week off from work. Tomorrow we're doing a soup kitchen downtown and the casino at night (scheduled around lots of eating!). The rest of the week is going to Madison a few times, relaxing, and even more gambling! What a great week!
I want to wish everyone a happy holiday season! Be safe, be merry, and love to all. Oh, and pass the eggnog...
Oh, another weird concidence:
November 20th-Cops banging on door b/c car got hit and totaled.
December 20th-Paramedics banging on door b/c they went to the wrong address.
Stay tuned for January 20th.....
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas Friends and Family!
Typed by Andrea at 11:28 AM 0 thoughts on the matter
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wishful Thinking
I was inspired to think of what I am wishful for right now. Keep up with me here, because I might get a little profound!
1. I wish people could be 100% happy with themselves, because everyone is unique and great in their own ways.
2. I sincerely wish money grew on trees.
3. I wish I could see my family more (the ones I want to see, that is).
4. I wish people would stop looking to others to complete themselves. You have nothing to offer someone if you aren't already complete.
5. I wish and hope and pray that I am complete enough to offer something of substance to someone! And sometime in the next century. Oh, and he has to have substance too, otherwise, deal off.
6. I wish I volunteered more. This is totally within my control, and may be a New Years resolution.
7. I wish I could follow through on something, one of these days.
8. I wish grad school wasn't so expensive.
9. I wish those in the military remember what they're fighting for and know that there are a lot of people back home that think of them daily, and are so grateful for what they're doing.
10. I wish that everyone had a warm bed to sleep in at night.
11. I wish my bed wasn't so warm sometimes. Seriously-I wake up sweating, it's kind of frustrating.
12. I wish my first reactions would change to my second reactions.
13. I wish the writers strike would stop.
14. I wish that my parents are my guardian angels.
15. I wish my hairdresser hadn't gotten knocked up for the third time and is now quitting.
16. I wish for a moment of clarity sometime soon.
17. I wish for my kittens to never get any bigger than they are right now.
18. I wish that people were just more aware in general, about everything. The way they treat others, the environment, our country, everything.
19. I wish egg nog was sold year round, but am thankful that it is not.
20. I wish I made more time for what is really important to me.
21. I wish on falling stars.
22. I wish this list were more profound.
23. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Typed by Andrea at 7:34 PM 0 thoughts on the matter
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sorry for the delay
My apologies that it did, in fact, take me two days to post this. I thought my boss was going to tell my peeps at work yesterday, but she didn't. So, in all fairness, I thought they should know before others. And what if one of them secretly reads this blog?
So, anyhoo....Monday morning my boss pull me into her office. She said MDS (the client I work for at EDI) needs a Senior Meetings Manager. While we both agreed I am ready for management, I am not ready for the level of management MDS would require. So, while she considered giving me the position (possibly setting me up for failure), she was looking for other alternatives. The alternative: I will be the sole Meetings Manager for a different client (AAEA), starting in January. While it is not a "promotion", this could mean great things for my career. The AAEA is growing rapidly, I am the only meetings manager, and I could have a few juniors under me in no time.
It was definitely not what I expected to walk into Monday morning, and took some adjustment time. My biggest grief was that I wanted to be able to complete the current meeting I'm working on. I feel like I'm such a drifter, both professionally and personally, and the last two major things to happen have been in no way my own doing (car and now this). Once I thought about it and acclimated myself to the idea, I remembered that I thrive on change, want some new challenges, and see it as a career opportunity. While it was forced, I feel it is also a blessing. I also negotiated to do logisitics for the meeting I'm currently working on, along with a letter of recommendation in case the new client is not a good fit. Smart, right?
Probably not what some of you expected, but this is a major deal in my little world!
Love to all!
PS Stay hydrated. I know it is cold out, but it is still very important to stay hydrated.
PPS Do not eat yellow snow.
Typed by Andrea at 2:31 PM 2 thoughts on the matter
Monday, December 17, 2007
For real this time
All right, I have news. But, I can't share it until tomorrow. So...hold onto your hats race fans, big news to come!
Typed by Andrea at 6:02 PM 5 thoughts on the matter
Friday, December 7, 2007
Proof that cats can talk
I got home a wee bit late tonight (okay, 11:30pm), so obviously the kittens were SUPER excited to see me. Can you blame them? Anyshaboo...I fed and watered them, although they weren't the little piggies that they normally were, and could have survived a few more hours. Cheddar was slurping water up so loud, even I had to take notice. Finally, Mozzarella looked up from the food dish, batted at Cheddar to shut up, went back to eating, and Cheddar quieted down. It was quite funny, and just proves to me that movies like "Look Who's Talking" and any animal movie where the animals lips don't move but we can hear them conversing with each other, may be onto something. I can only imagine the conversation went something like this:
Mozzarella: Dude, shut up.
Cheddar: Back off, I'm thirsty.
Mozzarella: Seriously, we don't live in a desert, and I may want some of that later.
Cheddar: Shut your pie hole.
Mozzarella: I can't even hear my self think! *swats at Cheddar*
Cheddar: Fine! I get it. Sheesh.
End scene.
Typed by Andrea at 10:18 PM 2 thoughts on the matter
Thursday, November 29, 2007
An Update
Let us flashback to this summer: remember me mentioning the hair loss? Turns out the two most adorable kittens in the world had given me ringworm. Yes, it sucks-but it goes away, so I wasn't stressing. I have gone to the dermatologist, and have a follow-up, so all should be good in a few short weeks (oh, and I'm on a medication for it as well).
Right after that diagnosis I had some "bumps" forming on my chest. Since the sunburn of 1995 I have never had that great of skin on my chest, so I thought nothing of it. Well, it wasn't going away. Then the rash formed...and was crawling up my neck. I had told Tianna about it, but no one else really. She saw it keep getting worse, and I didn't want to be the little boy that cried wolf, so I didn't really do anything about it. Last Wednesday Kathie noticed the rash and I realized that I really must do something. Turns out-I had a staph infection. I was put on antibiotics, had to stay away from all food preparation (darnit, right) on Thanksgiving, and now I'm doing much better. The hardest part was not being able to hug anyone in my family on Turkey Day!
Progressive has been a dream about my car. I got a 2007 Mazda CX-7 and am in love with. The check engine light came on, but there is a recall on something that has to get fixed. It doesn't affect the driveability at all, so all is good.
That is my update. A lot of random, crappy things happening, but really no complaints, because such is life.
Typed by Andrea at 3:02 PM 5 thoughts on the matter
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Bye Bye Zoom Zoom
Last night I heard a banging on my door at 4am. Being in a sleepy daze, I didn't really think much of it. I finally came to enough to figure out someone was at my door (I wonder if they rang the door bell as well). It was the MPD, informing me that someone had hit my car. It was a hit and run, and as you can see, they side swiped me fairly bad. The cop thought my car would be a total bust, and he was right-there is over $10,000 in damages, which means, I have to get a two car.
Two ironies:
1. I never park in the street. I had a bunch of stuff in my back seat I had to bring in, and forgot to move my car. Ironic.
2. My psychic told me this would happen just two weeks ago.
I am fine-I wasn't in the car. I have a rental, gap insurance, the whole nine yards. So, I guess I will be informing everyone of a new purchase sometime in the next week!
Happy Holidays!
Typed by Andrea at 1:42 PM 3 thoughts on the matter
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Hurts so good
I realize that there are probably some people out there who have never gone to a restaurant, and that makes me sad. There is something to be said about going out to eat-you get good food (usually), someone waits on you, and it can be a very nice, and relaxing time. With that being said, those of us who have gone out to eat at a restaurant understand the protocols involved. We understand that the server is not there to be our slave or our servant, that they get paid a very small hourly wage, and tipping is appropriate and warranted because of said wage. If you do not like your service, certain actions can be taken in lieu of giving a good tip, but tipping is still appropriate. If you don't like your service, get a manager, or tell the server what needs to be fixed and give them a chance to redeem themselves.
So, now that we all understand that those who have not been in a restaurant would not understand the above, but those who have, should know the practices and procedures involved. So what I don't understand are those people (and I know who you are-I can spot you a mile away) who are sooooo demanding, treat servers like the scum of the earth, and then do not leave a tip. Do they realize that they are stealing money from you if they don't leave a tip? That at times, it costs you money to serve them? When I have to tip out people based on my sales (which you are contributing to), and the 15-20% is not left, I am reaching out of my own pocket to pay everyone else. So, unless you have the absolute worst service in the world, in which case you would get a free meal anyways if you went along the proper channels, there is NO EXCUSE UNDER THE SUN. This really gets under my skin. Do you think I WANT to bring you breakfast? That if I had a choice, I would wake up at 5:30am just so I can get you coffee? And then have you ask for creamer, even though it's on the table already? Or go get you ketchup (which the smell of at 7am really makes me want to vomit), and when I bring the ketchup to your table, you all of a sudden realize you also need a Pepsi? And when I bring the Pepsi you realize you need water? And when I get back with the water you want a straw? And then you want grapefruit juice? I DO NOT DO THIS FOR MY HEALTH, WHICH IS WHY YOU ALSO DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
In the adult world that I am part of, it is all right to ask for something if you're paying for the service. If you are not paying for the service (ie tipping), then do not ask me for anything. Got it? If you are going to assume I'm unreasonable and unapproachable and not voice your opinion on your service, then you do not have a right to go against the very reason people even do the job, which is to take home cash so they can pay their bills.
Thank you for listening.
Typed by Andrea at 6:51 PM 0 thoughts on the matter
Thursday, November 8, 2007
So demanding...
Tianna kindly pointed out I haven't posted a new what, like 5 days or something? So, because she is my favorite, I will oblige.
A big thank you to J. Lo for finally being real.
I would like to say "I hate you Chicago" to the freeway systems in and around Chicago, because well....I got lost twice today. You are not very well labeled nor do you provide enough room for merging and lane switching in correlation to your signs. Also, the airport is absolutely hectic and it takes forever to get out of, especially when you didn't mean to end up there in the first place.
The big Thanksgiving party is this weekend. It's always so much fun, but really hectic too. I have Mikey coming into town tomorrow night, Sarah and Nicki on Saturday, along with other various people that may or may not need a place to sleep. I also have to make the mashed potaters, stuffing, and taco dip. You'd think I was a good cook or something! I do admit-I make the best mashed potatoes in the Midwest (along with help from my FC).
Holiday season is almost upon us. Those who need my Christmas Wish List, please submit your requests to my secretary, and she will process them according to the financials you provide.
Typed by Andrea at 6:59 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Just a few things
J. Lo-You've passed the point of no return. You're preggers, and I heard with twins-please be the cool person we all know you are and admit it and let us into your joyous news.
Sony Ericsson cell phone-You are supposed to be way smarter than that and register the time change. Why was I awake at 8am today? I blame you.
Perez-You made no postings yesterday until very late at night. That is disappointing as my favorite thing about getting off of work on a Saturday morning is coming home to catch up on gossip. Please don't ever do that again.
16 year old girls-Stop trying to grow up too fast; you'll regret it. Also, please wear clothes that fit, are appropriate, and aren't sold to strippers on a regular basis.
The man-Damn you.
The Radio-too early for Christmas music. Please try again after Thanksgiving.
Kwik Trip-$2.19 for a redbull? Seriously? Pretty soon it'll be more than a gallon of gas for the small can...what will I do then?
Allstate-You're really starting to piss me off. You call this customer service?
G+G Chvojicek-Seriously? You're not going to phone me back? It's been four months...I will definitely win this battle.
Britney-Knock it off! Get back to your fantastic self! And do it yesterday!
Time Warner-You're very expensive. Please lower your prices.
Halle Berry-We know you're hot-but you have never rubbed it in our faces before you were pregnant. Oh, and you can't go from Type 1 to Type 2 Diabetes, so I'll give you a do-over on that statement. adore you. Please make new postings more than once a week. Pretty please.
Deucetree-Please don't make Tianna waitress.
San Diego-Cease fire.
Limewire-Thank you for working this morning!
To all my friends and family-You're the best!
Typed by Andrea at 7:53 AM 3 thoughts on the matter
Monday, October 29, 2007
Time flies...
Wow-3 years already. Not much I can say about it. I will second everything Tianna says-things have to happen for a reason. Without that thought, I think I would go absolutely nuts trying to figure out why any of this happened to our nice little family. With that being said, I would like to give a shout out to my two beloved parents, particularly my father today, and say "I love you and miss you terribly."
Love always,
Typed by Andrea at 5:48 PM 2 thoughts on the matter
Saturday, October 27, 2007
No day but today...
As I was watching Rent for the seventh time last night (yep-seven times), I began to take the advice of the show. No, I don't want to get hooked on drugs, turn lesbian, or get AIDS...but, what I do want to do is start living my life with no regret, and remember the mantra "No day but today". So, today commences a new Andrea. Watch out world, here I come!
For those Rent heads who would like to know about the show, it was just all right. Collins didn't have a deep enough voice, Angel was pretty bad (which was extremely disappointing because he/she can make or break a show), Mimi was great, Maureen was FANTASTIC!, Joann had a lisp (kind of distracting, but good singer), Mark was good, and Roger kept forgetting lines and words to the songs. All in all, it was Rent so I couldn't be upset, but I have seen better. I believe this was their first night out on tour, so I guess that is to be expected. The company was great, and they rocked everything they had to do together, so I definitely see a lot of potential and think with a few more shows under their belt, it will be a good show.
Seriously though, "Forget regret, or life is yours to miss."
Typed by Andrea at 9:21 AM 1 thoughts on the matter
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I totally forgot!
I totally forgot to watch Samantha Who!!! I figured this would happen.
On a happier note-Nicki gets here tomorrow! I'm attempting to make chicken alfredo, so wish me luck!
Typed by Andrea at 2:43 PM 0 thoughts on the matter
Monday, October 15, 2007
Good-bye clothes-see you in April!
So, I'm at a crossroads in my life. I know that I want more, but what do I want? When you're driven to be successful but can't choose what to be successful at, sometimes that is a bit tough I suppose. I'm being elusive for a reason, and I will have to stay that way for a bit longer. Some may understand, and it's really not a big deal, but I'm just not ready to talk about it at this point. And I don't know enough about it to talk about yet! I work for a company that pays for tuition (probably 50% or something, I haven't looked into it too hard yet), but only if it correlates to your position. There are no degrees in Meetings Management unless I want an associates degree...I already have a BA. I am thinking about looking into mediation for the simple fact that it's a good skill to have and something I think I would excel at. It would take me far, no matter what I choose to do.
This gets me thinking: I am a fair person. I have never given up on anyone that has ever meant a lot to me, and I can put up with a lot. When it comes down to it, my bark is way worse than my bite. I get very frustrated at people judging me and pigeon-holing me, when all I want is those around me to be happy. But, I also want myself to be happy, so sometimes that becomes a thin line to walk. There are a lot of people from my past that if they phoned me tomorrow, I would help them out. Even if we haven't spoken in 10 years or more. It's just frustrating because I don't know if people know this about me or not. I don't wear my heart on my sleeve, but I am a sensitve person. Ugh. I'm over thinking about it, I don't want to go there right now.
On a lighter note, I am switching from summer to winter in terms of my wardrobe. The only thing about my apartment is the lack of closet space, so now I am forced to do this. I like looking at all of my belongings, I don't think anything should have to go in tubs for a season or two! But, I am in love with my apartment so I will have to do it!
Everyone in Milwaukee is doing great. The kittens got some shots yesterday-I left the room. If I ever get the privilege to be a mom, I don't know how I will deal with all of that! The lady administering the shots even made fun of me! I watched that new show "Samantha Who" tonight-I actually liked it. I just find it hard to stick to a show because I never remember when it's on! So, now: Mondays = Samantha Who. I will repeat that ten times over every day for the next week...
All right, love to all. Rowe Out.
Typed by Andrea at 7:22 PM 0 thoughts on the matter
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I don't get it...
So I watched "Dirty Sexy Money" last night. Um...what is with the awful actress that plays one of the twins? And the priest? I seriously do not get that connection and why he would tell a little boy he can't speak English. I should probably research the show a bit so I can figure this out, but I would prefer it if someone were to just tell me (hint, hint).
I watched The Office tonight-so sad I missed the first two episodes. My DVR plans backfired on me, so I will have to wait for reruns :( There is something about that show that just speaks to me...perhaps because I too want to date Jim, or maybe it is because I have worked with people like that before!
Life is pretty boring in these parts to tell you the truth-which is why I am living vicariously through tv shows this blog! (by the way-Tianna demanded this blog, I don't normally go on about stupid stuff...normally) I got a head cold, so that has knocked me down a bit. Last week I felt like someone punched me in the face, and it turns out it was a sty forming in my left eye. My scalp is still weird so I'm going to the dermatologist. Oh, I do get to get my haircut next week! For me, this is a HUGE deal! It's been over six weeks this time, and I'm dying inside!
The kittens are doing spectacular and are cuter and naughtier by the day. Cheddar is a metrosexual and likes to hang out in my big work bag. They are the best cuddlers on these cold nights though!
Have a great weekend everyone! Stay hydrated!
Typed by Andrea at 8:22 PM 4 thoughts on the matter
Sunday, October 7, 2007
What a whirlwind of a weekend!
Typed by Andrea at 4:25 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Monday, October 1, 2007
My love knows no boundaries

Typed by Andrea at 5:21 PM 5 thoughts on the matter
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thought for the day
I did not have a single Sugar Free Red Bull yesterday. That may explain the slight headache. It's a strange feeling, and I will have to make up for it today! Haha!
Typed by Andrea at 6:58 AM 1 thoughts on the matter
Friday, September 28, 2007
The day has finally arrived!
Mikey will be here in approximately 5 hours! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
I will post more of our adventures when they are over!
Typed by Andrea at 2:16 PM 0 thoughts on the matter
Sunday, September 23, 2007
House of Pain
Typed by Andrea at 6:54 AM 2 thoughts on the matter
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Oh man, I did it again!
I was at the store, and I still forgot to buy the stupid dental floss! How could I be so stupid?!
Typed by Andrea at 8:36 PM 2 thoughts on the matter
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Kitty Update
Mozzarella needs to go to the vet for her eye. The lady said I could have brought her home, but I'm not a very savy caregiver, so I said that I would come and get her in the next few days, after her visit. Her eye looks awful, and I know she just needs to get out of the shelter and into my warm, safe home. I was holding her and she wasn't squirmish or scared at all; in fact, it was like she knew she was with the person who loved her most!
Cheddar is adapting well. He's been exploring, and the dust in his whiskers is too cute for words. I can't find my USB cord, but as soon as I do, there will be pictures posted. Beware!!!!
My house seems lively with the new addition, and I can't wait to bring home my other little one!
Oh, and thanks for reading Sarah P!!! Let me know when you become a blogger and I will become a long-time listener!
Typed by Andrea at 8:36 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
My new additions!
Typed by Andrea at 8:23 PM 2 thoughts on the matter
On a lighter note
#1 I am almost done with my current thing of dental floss. I have hated it since the moment I used it, and I don't know why I just didn't shell out the $2 for a new one. So, I will be making a new purchase sometime in the near futue.
#2 My house is now kitten ready-all I need are the little ones! Tomorrow is the big day, I become a parent of two! While buying all of their supplies I also bought approximately $150 in new bedding..retail therapy anyone?
#3 I watched Stomp the Yard-and loved it! The lead is absolutely gorgeous, and I can't wait to watch the extras. In fact, I think I'll do that now before Jeffrey's game!
#4 I forgot to buy US Weekly this week...I think I'm slipping in my old age. Don't worry-I will pick it up tonight since I also forgot to get a pooper scooper for Mozzie and Cheddar.
#5 I'll be okay everyone, don't worry about me. I've been through worse, remember?
Love to all!
Typed by Andrea at 2:32 PM 3 thoughts on the matter
Sunday, September 16, 2007
*Insert any dirty word you can imagine*
Yep, that's exactly what I want to scream at the top of my lungs. Stop lying!!!!!!!!!!! Who do you think you are? When you're caught, you're caught. Be a man, fess up, apologize, and let's move on with our lives. There is nothing left to save! How many times have I told you this? You cheated, you're caught, move on....
If I have to change my phone number, I'll be very upset.
Typed by Andrea at 8:53 AM 3 thoughts on the matter
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
September 12, 1956
That was the day that Julie Ann Chvojicek came into this world.
June 8, 2006
That was the day she left it.
The 49 years inbetween can't be summed up by any amount of words, so I won't try. But, I do want my mom to know that I think about her all the time, I miss her like crazy, and I love her even more.
I second Tianna's motion that sometimes it feels like a dream. The urge to go to my parent's house is so strong at times that it makes me want to go the furthest place away from it, just so the option isn't even available. Those that know me can attest to this urge, because they've seen me run, they've seen me move. Maybe they didn't understand the reasons, but hopefully they do now.
I have come to realize that just because I'm an adult, it doesn't mean I still don't need my parents. I tried to do everything I could for them in their last days, when really I just wanted them to hug me and tell me it was going to be all right. While still honoring their memories is an important part of my life, what happens when the only people around me with memories of them are very few? Will they understand my needing and wanting to have private time, or needing to be around people because otherwise I will just sit by myself and cry? It's a weird feeling to have, and not one that I will ever fully understand myself.
I know that my mom would have loved turning 51 today. I would have taken her out to eat; we probably would have gone to the Hitching Post, or maybe made the big trek into the Dells for something else. I would have tried to do somethng special for her. She would have loved it. No matter what, my mother always made me feel loved and I wish that I could have spent more time with her. And I hope she knows I loved her just as much, if not more, than she loved me. I'm so glad that the last words we ever spoke to each other were "I love you".
Happy Birthday Mom. Don't worry, I'll sing it in my head for you!
Typed by Andrea at 10:11 AM 2 thoughts on the matter
Friday, September 7, 2007
We got her guys!
Here is the link to one of my favorite peeps! Keep the blogs a coming Kel!
Typed by Andrea at 7:35 PM 2 thoughts on the matter
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Different day, same story
Seriously, my eyes have been burning like hell all day, and I don't know why. I even got about 7 or 8 hours of sleep last night! Maybe I'm allergic to sleep. If that is true, God is playing one messed up trick on me. He would be taking everything important away from me! Well, Tianna and my friends and family would be left, but that's it. And yes, that's enough!
Honestly though, today was just a different day, same story kind of a day. The last week or so has been to tell you the truth. I have actually felt kind of lazy, and I'm gearing up to start filling up my calendar once again. I have felt in kind of a rut, but it's going to be over in.....NOW.
So, to end this blog, today is a different day and hopefully an exciting story! Check back often!
Typed by Andrea at 8:01 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Pork Chops and Applesauce
So that is now 2 blogs with no comments. Sad. I don't have a need to be popular...I've just always been popular. Nah, just playin'. But, seriously Ti-I said I would leave an actual blog when I got an actual comment from you.
Now go!
Typed by Andrea at 2:54 PM 3 thoughts on the matter
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Yeah, what she said!
Tianna was so wonderful to have posted a blog about my kitchen, and even included pictures! So, since I don't even know how to do that, I will leave a link for all interested parties!
Typed by Andrea at 3:18 PM 0 thoughts on the matter
Friday, August 24, 2007
Shout Out!
First off, I would like to give a shout out to one of my favorite loyal readers-a Mrs. Kelly Heuer! It was great seeing you Wednesday night! We need to figure out a way to get together more often...seriously.
Do you ever get so caught up in what's going on around you that you forget about the things that truly make you happy? For instance-Kelly. She is one of my oldest and dearest friends in the whole entire world. I would do anything for her (and her beautiful little family), yet I never see her, never talk to her. And there is really not a good reason-both of us admit that. Same goes for Nicki, Star, Betty, Milford, and unfortunately, some others. This may make me seem like an awful friend, but I don't think any of them would say I am (right, Kel?). It's just life, and it happens to all of us. Even one of my best friends, who works two blocks away from me and lives no more than 10 minutes away, and I have a hard time getting together.
So, then I ask the question: What am I doing w/ all this 'time' and 'life' that is happening all around me? I'm working hard, playing hard, living hard, and loving hard. Sometimes that's enough. But, I don't want to look back in 5 years and say "Gee, Emma has no idea who I am and I don't even know Kelly's new address. I hope she still has the same e-mail address so I can contact her!".
I have been through some particularly hard times with the loss of my parents, etc. and every one of the people mentioned above were there for me 100% (and many others), so I have to expect that loyalty is not given to just anyone and everyone. And so that also makes me conclude that not only will the above fear not happen, it also won't ever be an issue for us. Even if we just talk every couple of months or so, I think it goes without saying that there is a true love and friendship shared, and that is irreplaceable. I am so blessed to have so many friends and loved ones in my life, I can hardly believe it.
So, this started with a Shout Out! and ended with an ode to all of my great know who you are! Love to all.
Typed by Andrea at 10:51 PM 0 thoughts on the matter
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Enough is enough
I don't ever know what to call my "blogs". I use quotation marks because I still don't think I'm doing it right either. Is that stupid? Probably!
On a lighter note, I think Ti switched my picture. I'm okay with it, although I've never been to that particular city so I feel like a poser. Just a bit. Although, the only two people who ever look at this are Tianna and Lori, so I shouldn't worry! They my sistas!
My boss is gone for the next week or so, so work should be all right. I'll actually get stuff done rather than the 4 meetings I had today. Oi.
My kitchen is getting finished, sooner rather than later *crosses fingers*. Someone is here right now, and I can tell they've been here the past couple of days. I can eat out of a refrigerator soon enough!
All right, I'm signing off. But not because I want to, because I have to.
Enjoy my blog, Tianna. Enjoy.
Stay hydrated.
Typed by Andrea at 3:04 PM 4 thoughts on the matter
Saturday, August 18, 2007
An Ode to Tianna
If Tianna wants blog postings, that is what Tianna will get. No questions asked. Prompting may be involved, but no questions asked.
This is what is happening in my life at this very moment: My apartment is a complete disaster, and it is not of my doing. I want this kitchen to be done and I want to start enjoying being at my apartment again. But, it will be great when it's over so I don't want to complain too loudly...yet. If it is not done by next weekend, the fireworks will start, that's for sure! That's all I can concentrate on right now since I'm wedged between a fridge and a stove, trying to relax and make a blog for my lovely sister!
I've got a great couple of days ahead of me; today I am going to Madison for a pig roast (in the rain!), tomorrow I'm going to Racine for a wedding shower, and Wednesday my friend Kelly is coming to town and we're going to do dinner. Notice none of the pleasant things had to do with work. I'm so over working it's not even funny. Can you take a sabatical for no other reason than you just want to forget about work for a while?! Someone please help me on this one! Haha.
It is already 1 o'clock on Saturday and I haven't gotten a thing done today, so I guess it's that time to start being productive. Waking up at 4:30 to waitress counts as being productive, right? Then I have been productive, unfortunately, Paris Hilton is reaping the benefits of my productivity and not me...waitressing sucks sometimes! *begin rant* Hey, thanks guys for the $3 tip on a $43.00 bill. Perfect, now my children will eat for a month! Who do you think I am-Jesus? I can't turn water into wine, nor do I waitress for my health! Oh, your sausage isn't crispy and fatty enough? Let me dip it in lard for you next time... *end rant* Okay, enough of that. They don't have to know I don't have kids....
Typed by Andrea at 11:03 AM 2 thoughts on the matter
Friday, August 17, 2007
*taps microphone* Is this thing on?
Since I am at my lowest creativity point in the day, I really don't have much of interest to "blog" about. But, to satisfy Tianna and others, I thought I would the kiddies something to read.
I would also like to point out that anyone with high hopes at me keeping up on a regular blog will be disappointed, as it already took me 5 tries to log in to create this blog, and I just don't have the time or energy to devote to that every day!
So, I will be signing off for now, and will be back when the inspiration strikes!
Stay hydrated.
Typed by Andrea at 8:46 PM 1 thoughts on the matter