Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas Friends and Family!

It's finally Christmas Eve. I don't think it will ever matter how old I am-I am always excited for this day. My family has always loved Christmas, and it's a "go big or go home" attitude, so it's extra special and fun.

Last night we started on the road to Rockford for the Kuzin Konnection, but the roads were so awful that we turned around. It was a double whammy, because we missed our annual KK, and also the 23rd is always an extra special day-it was our Grandpa's birthday, and also the day he passed away, three years ago.

Today was actually my father's birthday, so I try to think about him as much as possible (not that I don't do that already). It's kind of a blessing sometimes that his birthday landed on such a festive holiday-it makes you honor rather than grieve.

I have the rest of the week off from work. Tomorrow we're doing a soup kitchen downtown and the casino at night (scheduled around lots of eating!). The rest of the week is going to Madison a few times, relaxing, and even more gambling! What a great week!

I want to wish everyone a happy holiday season! Be safe, be merry, and love to all. Oh, and pass the eggnog...

Oh, another weird concidence:
November 20th-Cops banging on door b/c car got hit and totaled.
December 20th-Paramedics banging on door b/c they went to the wrong address.
Stay tuned for January 20th.....

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