Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Kitty Update

Mozzarella needs to go to the vet for her eye. The lady said I could have brought her home, but I'm not a very savy caregiver, so I said that I would come and get her in the next few days, after her visit. Her eye looks awful, and I know she just needs to get out of the shelter and into my warm, safe home. I was holding her and she wasn't squirmish or scared at all; in fact, it was like she knew she was with the person who loved her most!

Cheddar is adapting well. He's been exploring, and the dust in his whiskers is too cute for words. I can't find my USB cord, but as soon as I do, there will be pictures posted. Beware!!!!

My house seems lively with the new addition, and I can't wait to bring home my other little one!

Oh, and thanks for reading Sarah P!!! Let me know when you become a blogger and I will become a long-time listener!

1 thoughts on the matter:

Unknown said...

Tee-hee!!!! All dusty whiskers!! He's TOO cute!!!