Saturday, August 18, 2007

An Ode to Tianna

If Tianna wants blog postings, that is what Tianna will get. No questions asked. Prompting may be involved, but no questions asked.

This is what is happening in my life at this very moment: My apartment is a complete disaster, and it is not of my doing. I want this kitchen to be done and I want to start enjoying being at my apartment again. But, it will be great when it's over so I don't want to complain too loudly...yet. If it is not done by next weekend, the fireworks will start, that's for sure! That's all I can concentrate on right now since I'm wedged between a fridge and a stove, trying to relax and make a blog for my lovely sister!

I've got a great couple of days ahead of me; today I am going to Madison for a pig roast (in the rain!), tomorrow I'm going to Racine for a wedding shower, and Wednesday my friend Kelly is coming to town and we're going to do dinner. Notice none of the pleasant things had to do with work. I'm so over working it's not even funny. Can you take a sabatical for no other reason than you just want to forget about work for a while?! Someone please help me on this one! Haha.

It is already 1 o'clock on Saturday and I haven't gotten a thing done today, so I guess it's that time to start being productive. Waking up at 4:30 to waitress counts as being productive, right? Then I have been productive, unfortunately, Paris Hilton is reaping the benefits of my productivity and not me...waitressing sucks sometimes! *begin rant* Hey, thanks guys for the $3 tip on a $43.00 bill. Perfect, now my children will eat for a month! Who do you think I am-Jesus? I can't turn water into wine, nor do I waitress for my health! Oh, your sausage isn't crispy and fatty enough? Let me dip it in lard for you next time... *end rant* Okay, enough of that. They don't have to know I don't have kids....


2 thoughts on the matter:

Unknown said...

YAY! A blog!!! YAY!

You have to switch to bartending!! LOL. *walked away tonight making $300*

Oh, and your pants are in a Kohl's bag in the little area where the lockers are. Top right hand corner. =)

Love you!!

Lori said...

I am reading now! I didn't know you had a blog! :) WOO!