Monday, November 17, 2008


Sorry for the long time between posts! I keep bragging at work that I'm a blogger, but really....I'm not. I just have a blog that I occasionally write shit on...Which reminds me of Mitch Hedberg when he says he doesn't have a microwave, just a clock that occasionally cooks shit.

Anyshaboo....what is new, what is new....Thanksgiving was this past weekend. It has now been dubbed Friendsgiving, but should not be shortened to F-day, as that has weird connotations (thanks to Pants for pointing that out). It was a huge success and is the 5th time we've done it. Mikey, Ti, and I are the only ones that have been at all three, so for everyone else's sake, it's the 4th annual :)

Mikey and Per came with their little dog friday night around midnight. After playing some cribbage and catching up we hit the hay for the long day. Saturday was a whirlwind of running around, cooking, and friends. It was absolutely fantastic and I wish that we could do it more often. But, if we did it more often I don't think it would be as special, so I will just wait for others to arrange parties or weddings and attend them.

Sunday was a great day as well, we did breakfast at the Deuce with LB and Pants, then went bridesmaid dress shopping. Oh, and someone should have told me to shave my legs before we went...just a little sidenote.

It was just such a great weekend, I won't ever forget it. A few highlights that some might understand:

-Ron "Queening" out at the Deuce
-The door actually not shutting behind us
-The dog peeing on my couch :(
-Me getting a bracelet stuck on my arm
-White Elephant
-Aaron not wanting to go to the grocery store alone b/c we all have fun when he's gone...and Pants graciously stepping up to go with him
-Chad realizing gay men are actually fun
-Nick finding out Tianna and I think his wall is tacky
-"Would you lick a bathroom floor for $1000?"

I think that's it...I'm sure I'm missing some highlights, but maybe TR will fill us in?

0 thoughts on the matter: