So, I went back on the Southbeach diet, as I have let my body slip (again) and I need to get myself back into fighting form. Not necessairly for anything specific, although I react better to that, so I've given myself the goal of looking good in my bridesmaids dress for Tianna's wedding. I have already gotten the "No carb" headache and the "No carb" tinny taste in my mouth, so it seems to be taking. Haha! I don't know how else to describe that. But, I hope to start to notice some new energy in the next couple of days, and if my pants fight just a little bit better, that's all the more motivation for me!
Times are really sucky right now, but I figured out that I can control what happens to me and how I react to things. No more turning to comforts for comfort. I need to be more proactive, more of a doer in my personal life, because as it stands, professionally I do everything and anything asked of me, go above and beyond, but that affects my personal life and it shouldn't. I've always said that I only work to live, not live to work, and maybe my actions aren't actually showing that that is how I feel.
I will keep everyone posted on this...not that anyone else cares, but maybe it will just simply help me to write about it as well? We'll see! Haha!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Day 2
Typed by Andrea at 7:53 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sorry for the long time between posts! I keep bragging at work that I'm a blogger, but really....I'm not. I just have a blog that I occasionally write shit on...Which reminds me of Mitch Hedberg when he says he doesn't have a microwave, just a clock that occasionally cooks shit.
Anyshaboo....what is new, what is new....Thanksgiving was this past weekend. It has now been dubbed Friendsgiving, but should not be shortened to F-day, as that has weird connotations (thanks to Pants for pointing that out). It was a huge success and is the 5th time we've done it. Mikey, Ti, and I are the only ones that have been at all three, so for everyone else's sake, it's the 4th annual :)
Mikey and Per came with their little dog friday night around midnight. After playing some cribbage and catching up we hit the hay for the long day. Saturday was a whirlwind of running around, cooking, and friends. It was absolutely fantastic and I wish that we could do it more often. But, if we did it more often I don't think it would be as special, so I will just wait for others to arrange parties or weddings and attend them.
Sunday was a great day as well, we did breakfast at the Deuce with LB and Pants, then went bridesmaid dress shopping. Oh, and someone should have told me to shave my legs before we went...just a little sidenote.
It was just such a great weekend, I won't ever forget it. A few highlights that some might understand:
-Ron "Queening" out at the Deuce
-The door actually not shutting behind us
-The dog peeing on my couch :(
-Me getting a bracelet stuck on my arm
-White Elephant
-Aaron not wanting to go to the grocery store alone b/c we all have fun when he's gone...and Pants graciously stepping up to go with him
-Chad realizing gay men are actually fun
-Nick finding out Tianna and I think his wall is tacky
-"Would you lick a bathroom floor for $1000?"
I think that's it...I'm sure I'm missing some highlights, but maybe TR will fill us in?
Typed by Andrea at 7:27 PM 0 thoughts on the matter
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Home Sweet Home
So, as many know from Tianna's blog, I moved...again. It was a good, pretty easy move, which is how I like it and also how most go because we've all done it so many times now. The best part is that they are redoing the ceilings and floors in my old apartment, so I really didn't have to clean much.
But, there are some things Tianna's blog left out (because it is her blog not mine, so why would she update about me?). Not only did we move the first weekend of October, the first Monday of October I had to work both jobs....not that big of a deal, I do it all the time, except that I was BEAT ASS tired from moving, and also had to be on a plane at 6:15 the next morning. Yikes! I make it to the airport, with a few minutes to spare (almost got pulled over on the way) and I was off for almost an entire week of traveling. First stop Denver, but only for a few minutes. I almost threw up twice on the plane (I hadn't eaten breakfast) and my boss actually did throw up. Which was bizarre. We finally get to Seattle and find out we can't get settled into our rooms b/c check-in isn't until 3pm. Stupid check-in. Actually, to back it up a minute: our driver was the weirdest driver I have ever had. He paged us at the airport, even though we weren't even late and our luggage wasn't out yet (he was just waiting on the other side of the carousel), and when we showed up he barely acknowledged us!
Anyways, back to waiting for our contact. She showed up and was just a ball of old energy, and was a great woman. She knows everyone in Seattle and I think I met more Chefs and Execs in Seattle than I know here! We ate at the Waterfront, which was great. We had the best crab cakes in the world at the Steel Head Diner, had deliscious pizza and THE BEST coconut cream pie at Seriously Pie, among other wonderfully great places. We also saw about 30 hotels and the convention center, but I don't want to bore people with work details :)
Then it was off to Denver for a site visit and to visit my cousin Steven and his family, and also Mr. Mikey Huppert! It was pretty fun, even though I got a cold while up in the mountains on Saturday. I can't complain, it was a great trip and the airfare was free :)
So, that's kind of a catch up of sorts for me. I'm not going to proof this, so if it doesn't make sense, I apologize :) Love to all!
Typed by Andrea at 4:26 PM 3 thoughts on the matter
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Arrested Development
It goes without saying that I found a love for the show "Arrested Development" about three years too late...which is a major bummer. Why didn't anyone tell me about this show? Now I am just hoping and praying like crazy for the movie! Haha! I also successfully got Tianna now we have even more jokes, such as "Bob Loblaw Law Blog". I double dog dare you to say that one three times fast!
Salt Lake City was great-not sure that I have blogged since then. Oops. Not much to report I guess...sorry folks. I'm off to Denver and Seattle next week, so I'm really looking forward to that. Work has been busy, which I like. Usually there is downtime after a meeting, but this year there hasn't been, and I like that a lot. I'm not a workaholic by any means, but when I go to work I want to feel a purpose, not like I'm killing time (which is why I quit USBC-almost two years ago SP!!!!!!!!!!!).
I'm moving this weekend....again. I know, I know...I was so happy to actually see out an entire lease, and now in the blink of an eye I'm moving again. This move will be good, and I'll be able to get on my feet again. Somehow money keeps slipping through my fingers lately....
So, I guess that's it for me. Nothing too funny or crazy has happened lately. The kittens are fantastic and cute. The family is good. I helped my aunt Diane throw a birthday party for her husband last week, so that was fun. I know I'm a planner, but I am so used to dealing w/ budgets, researching the best deals, disputing contracts, etc. that it was fun to just plan a party for once! Haha!
Oh, for anyone who reads this: Thanksgiving party is the 15th of November. LB: Please try to stay the next day as well (we will look at train schedules, etc) as Ti would like to go bridesmaid dress shopping. Not sure if she has talked to you about this yet, so I thought I would. Let me know if you see any issues with this, and I will see what I can. There it is again-the planner in me coming out!
Peace and love homies :)
Typed by Andrea at 7:26 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Friday, September 5, 2008
So, what have I been up to?
Actually, not a lot. But, it's been great! I had a friend in town for a long weekend, which was great. I got to on a boat for Labor Day, also fantastic. I've been working, and working, and working...and then going to as many BBQ's as people will invite me to. The kittens are as cute as ever (not technically kittens anymore, more like teenagers), and have been the best cuddle buddies ever.
I leave on Monday for Salt Lake City, which is amazing because I really wanted to go there and then found out we weren't doing a site visit...and then another association asked me to go with them to their Annual Meeting which was in Salt Lake City. How is that for Law of Attraction? In October I am going to Seattle and Denver for a few days. I'm staying extra in Denver to visit my cousin Steven, and actually, Mikey is going to join me out there as well.
Tianna's wedding plans are in full swing-if I can just get her to pick a photographer I will sleep better at night. But, I think w/ the craziness of the summer past it will be easier to concentrate on her wedding, etc. We also have a date for our annual Thanksgiving party, which is November 15th this year (mark it in your books). The next day we are bridesmaid dress shopping, which will be fun :) I have been really good about not eating horribly this week, so I think I'm finally onto something. Do NOT eat pop tarts every morning and your jeans will fit better. Amazing that it took me 28 years to figure that one out.
Other than that, just a few shout outs:
SP: Big liar. You said you were going to be doing a million posts on Labor Day and by my calculation, you didn't do any. But, regardless, I still love ya :)
KH: I told you you were having the baby on your birthday, so I don't know why you wanted to go to the hospital today. Here is your lesson for the day: I am always right.
LB: You are the best at posting, and now no posts....what gives? I miss them (and you and LOL cats). Also, did you like the link for the blog I sent you? Talk to me girl!
TR: Love you like a sister.
Typed by Andrea at 9:47 PM 4 thoughts on the matter
Monday, August 18, 2008
Thank you
Typed by Andrea at 8:38 PM 2 thoughts on the matter
Saturday, August 2, 2008
As promised
The meeting was a huge success!!!! The team was entirely too efficient and made me look entirely too good! There are always snafus and things go wrong at meetings, but they were fixed and no one was any the wiser (for the most part). We had a great crew we were working with, including our AV vendors and the Caribe Royale staff. Of course, my feet are all scabbed up from walking roughly 10 miles a day, and I was exhausted by the end of it all, but to me that is all entirely worth it. One of the reasons I love my job is because you get to see the fruit of all your labor, it just feels like completing a cycle and beginning another one. Now it is on to 2009 (in Milwaukee...ick), and future years. It looks like I will be getting to Denver and Seattle this fall, which is fantastic. Lori-if you forgot anything let me know! Haha!
So, now I'm back home and trying to get motivated to go to work on Monday. I have spent some time with Tianna and a few of my other friends, which has been fantastic. Tomorrow (and hopefully tonight) is more Tianna time. We have a lot to talk about with her wedding, and just life in general :) There is never enough time for all we need to talk and laugh about!
On another note, my pseudo little sister Caitlin will be here in a few weeks. It should be fun to show her around Milwaukee and let her relax before she starts school. I'm hoping to get a cook out scheduled, along with a party I know that's going on. I totally appreciate my family for making her feel so welcome, she really needs it sometimes I think.
So, in a nutshell, things are fantastic :)
Typed by Andrea at 8:05 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Signing off for a bit...
I was tagged, so away we go!
Ten years ago:Ten years ago I had just graduated high school and was working at the Dairy Queen and Club 10. I was playing tennis all the time, and just on the verge of dating Jake for the next two years. I was about to start college at Winona and probably just received my roommates info (Denice Olson). I think it was also around this time Kelly and I watched a certain movie we don't talk about :) I was having a blast and living life!!!
Five things on my on-going to-do list:
1. Finish packing...I leave in less than 8 hours
2. Compare the catering numbers
3. Deliver a check once I get to Orlando
4. Check the BEOs and sign
5. Make my flight and wake up on time :0
A snack I enjoy:Sabra original hummus on pitas with cucumber slices
Things I would do if I were a millionaire:Donate, pay off debt, buy a home, and travel.
Places I have lived:
Rockford, Illinois
Kyle, Sask
Kindersley, Sask
Edgerton, WI
Durand, WI
Winona, MN
-2 different dorm rooms
Eau Claire, WI
-1 dorm
-Broadway house (<-good times, right Ti and Lori? And yes it counts Lori!)
-Chippewa St
-5th Ave
-The Mansion
Great Lakes, MN
-Boot camp
Guam, USA
-USS Frank Cable, AS40
-Carnation St
San Diego, CA
Waukesha, WI
Pewaukee, WI
-Two different apartments and Kathie's house for a bit
Milwaukee, WI
Kindersley, SK Canada
Edgerton, WI
Durand, WI
Eau Claire, WI
La Crosse, WI
Lake Delton, WI
Pewaukee, WI
St. Paul, MN (Ha. Does a week count?)
Waukesha, WI
Okay, so I did my duties, right? I know P is in Spain, but if she gets back she should do this too :)
So, I'm off to my meeting in Orlando in the morning. I can hardly believe it's here! So, don't expect anything from me in the next week or so. But, I will report back only success in a week!
Love to all!
Typed by Andrea at 10:33 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Show me your "O" face
Last week my great friend Kary offered me a free ticket to see John Mayer at Summerfest. While I am not a huge fan, I thought "That should be fun" so I went. It was a great show, even though I didn't know many of the songs. The best part? The faces he makes and the fact that I got a little celeb crush :)
The next day was the dentist (all clear!) and a party out in the Falls for my friends birthday and the Fourth of July. While watching the parade I saw the Glassmen, a drum corps from Toledo, OH (the weird part was that I had just been talking about them that morning). After the parade got boring I went back to Sarah's and was just hanging out when I heard that unmistakeable sound of a drum corps warming up. Warming up, not warming down! How excited was I? So, I ditched the party and headed over there! They did a park and blow, which means no movement, but they played some good songs, and part of their show for the year. Fantastic, I was in heaven! And I just kept thinking that I wanted my dad there with me. I phoned Tianna and she heard the whole thing!
The next day was the Fourth, but for me it was preparation for the 5th which was my aunts surprise birthday party. Tianna and I did a little shopping, I did a little more shopping, and then a little more...and then cooking until 2am!
The 5th started at 7am so I could pack everything up, get to the one store that wasn't open on the 4th, and head over to Kathie's to clean and prepare. Well, Kathie was still there! She didn't really comment that it was weird for me to be there that early, but apparently she thought it. She finally left and the real work began. We began tearing the house apart, hiding things, and generally just tidying up. The guests started to arrive and we were wondering...where is Kathie? She finally showed up and boy was she surprised! It was fantastic, an actual surprise party!
That night we went to the casino, but my heart wasn't in it. My face had gotten all red and dry again...and was spreading to my hands...again. But, it was fun. That night I slept at Kathie's so I could wake up to "Breakfast at Wimbledon". But, instead of strawberries and cream we had bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I love America!
This week has flown by, work is hectic and crazy and busy. Monday night at the Deuce brought in seventy bucks, which was extremely helpful and I'm extremely grateful. Otherwise, I've been just busy getting everything together to go to Orlando in a few weeks. Nuts, huh?
So, that's my little world in a cute little nutshell that is me. And the kittens-they're also fantastic as per usual.
Typed by Andrea at 6:49 PM 2 thoughts on the matter
Monday, June 30, 2008
I'm so bad I'm good
Sorry for the long time between posts. I think I'm too private of a person for a blog sometimes. But, then I realized-you can write about anything!
The kids moved this past week or so, so I was helping them with that. With only a few arguments, I think we were successful. They will be living with Kathie until they find a place, which will hopefully help with the wedding budget :) We need to start moving on that again, we haven't even really talked about it for weeks! I miss talking about it....
I leave for Orlando in 23 days, which is scary. I have a lot of stuff to do at work in the meantime, and I'm beginning to wonder when I'll get it all done to be honest with you. I know it will get done because it has to, but's nerve wracking and is doing it's job on my stomach a bit. I have a very nervous stomach for all of those who don't know...which probably anyone reading this doesn't know. I'll never forget my first week on my ship in Guam, I don't think I ate the whole time...eek. I should get nervous more often, maybe it would help me drop a few lbs! Haha!
The kittens are great. Cuter than ever actually. Cheddar is sleeping, spread eagle, in my little closet. Mozzie is probably doing the same in the window sill. Ah, the simple pleasures.
Oh, I've gotten back into crossword puzzles. Don't know how I went so long without them!
Peace out!
Typed by Andrea at 8:43 PM 0 thoughts on the matter
Friday, June 13, 2008
On that note
I saw a comment my friend SP left for another friend, and apparently I am not upkeeping my blog enough! My apologies everyone!
The reason why is: I'm boring. I work, and then work, and then go to work some more. This week I accidentally went to my second job on Monday even though I didn't have to work. That's how much I work it feels like.
With that being said, everything is going well. Father's Day...yuck. But, other than that, it seems as if everything is in order in Milwaukee. Just getting ready for our meeting in July, which means even more work! Haha!
Typed by Andrea at 10:47 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Hey to the folks
Sorry it's been a while peeps, life has been utterly hectic. Although I love it, I realize that some things in my life take a back burner, such as my blog :)
Let's start at last weekend: Virginia. Had a great time surprising Star for her 30th birthday (which was in April, but whatever!). Betty picked me up at the airport and we went to Star's house and she was kind of like "Wait? What? Why are you here? What's going on?" It was too funny! The rest of the weekend was about Star, Betty, and hanging out with each other, it was great. Betty is about to give birth any day now, but boy is she a trooper!
This weekend was Brooke and Hairy's wedding (and no he doesn't spell it like that, I do). It was a beautiful wedding, and I'm so glad they asked me to be a part of it! I got to see tons of people I haven't seen in ages, which was great. But, this turned out to be the longest weekend ever!
Flash forward to Saturday morning: woke up w/ no water thanks to a leak in the basement, so I went to Mikey and Per's hotel room to shower. We all met for breakfast at 10:30 (Mikey, Per, Tianna, Aaron, Kathie, and myself), and then after that off to Pewaukee for Jeffrey's soccer tournament. During the tournament Brian phoned me to ask if I could drive him to the airport for his grandma's funeral. Being that so many people have driven me to and from the airport, I had to pay it forward. After more soccer, I leave to go get Brian, and after I pick him up we hear a tornado siren, although it looks perfectly fine. We keep going, and eventually even hear another siren. I drop him off, and it starts a torrential downpour. I get phone calls, etc telling me to get somewhere safe so I go to Brooke and Hairy's as they have a basement. I wait out the storm with them, and head home to check on the kittens, etc. As I couldn't sleep at my house b/c who knew when the water would get turned back on, I head over to Kathie's to eventually go to Madison to hang out w/ Nicki. I take the exit to go to Kathie's and try turning down SS and it's blocked off b/c it's flooding! And, I'm not driving my car I'm driving my friend A's little Kia Rio! I barely get it out of there and phone over to Kathie's to make sure everyone is all right. Well, they aren't, the house is flooding. I take a different exit and am able to make it there just in time to bail water for about two hours!
After the rain stopped and we had things under control we were walking around. Everything was flooded. Part of the road busted out because of all the pressure, that's how bad it was! That night we order pizza and pass out pretty early. JUST TO DO IT AGAIN THIS MORNING!!!!!!!! This rain is out of control!
But, I'm home now and the kittens are safe, so don't worry about them.
On a sad note, today is the two year anniversary of my mom passing. The day was pretty hectic so I haven't had time to be sad, but sometimes I want to be sad so I don't know how I feel about that. But, this is a shout out to my mom, Jules, the greatest mom ever. I hope she knows how much she's loved and missed by everyone, especially me.
I hope this was a good update for everyone! Loves!
Typed by Andrea at 4:54 PM 0 thoughts on the matter
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I was going to do a nice long blog this morning about all the excitement in my life, but my horoscope this morning said to not reveal too much and to keep some cards to myself. So, sorry folks, you can blame the stars on this one.
Typed by Andrea at 10:52 AM 1 thoughts on the matter
Monday, May 12, 2008
A plea
Tianna, please post a blog about your engagement. Why did it come down to this?!
Okay, that is my excitement for the evening. It's wedding planning time for the Rowe sisters, and so far...nothing. But, we are still looking for a location, and that is the biggest part. Once that happens, everything else can fall into place. But, trust me, it's not for a lack of ideas and creativity, that we have in abundance. So, right now we are scouring everything we can to find a unique setting that will allow for a fantastic wedding on a budget. Sort of like champagne on a beer budget :)
Other than that, not much going on. Yesterday was Mother's Day, which I just dread. I miss my mom so much, and I have Kathie so I feel like I'm cheating my mom by celebrating someone else's mother hood. With my dad it's not like that because I don't have another father figure in my life, so I can spend the day how I want (usually with Tianna) and get my yearly doughnut. Mmm....doughnuts....
Work is hectic, but I like that. Life is hectic, but I like that as well. And, in all honesty, I'm exhausted from the weekend and the 13 hour day I had, so I'm heading to bed and hopefully the kittens will leave me alone or just go to sleep with me. We shall see.
Good night!
Typed by Andrea at 8:31 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The fastest longest week of my life
Sorry Sarah if there is a grammatical error in my title :)
All right, back to business: my week.
Last Thursday: Fly to Orlando for a site visit. I flew first class (absolutely adore first class btw), and have a great flight. The only odd thing is I woke up in the morning and felt like I had been hit by a bus in my right jaw. The rest of the day I could barely open my mouth, nonetheless get food in there with any ease. It was just strange. But, I digress. I have my driver pick me up at the airport and drop me off at the Caribe, where I decide to relax and order some room service since I had just worked two fifteen hour days and was extremely tired. All the while, missing the kittens. Flash forward to about 8 o'clock when Mary phones and says she has the opportunity to get tickets to see Kenny Chesney, would she mind if she went. I was supposed to rent a car and drive from Orland to Jacksonville, and then she was bringing me back to the airport Sunday morning. After thinking about it, I said that if I could switch my ticket for the same price as rentals and gas, I would just go home, no worries. Which is what I did.
Friday:'s the kicker. I had to push up meetings (not a big deal), and get another driver to the airport (again, not a big deal), and had a connection through Houston (big deal). I was delayed by about an hour from Houston, which was sucky but you deal with it, right? Just as we're about to land in Milwaukee, they shut it down and we were redirected to Madison...for two hours....gross. I finally got home and got to cuddle with the kittens and just enjoy our beautiful weather (yeah right).
Last Saturday: I decided to get up early (that's not true, Mozzarella decided that for me), and went to my cousin Jeffrey's soccer game. It was freezing, I was wearing sandals, and it was muddy. Gross. But, I made it through and Jeffrey, the amazing soccer player that he is, scored three goals and helped them tie the game. After that it was lunch and shopping for Brooklyn Bridge's wedding shower gift. That night was my friend Gangsta's (aka Brian) birthday, so I met up with him and his crew for a comedy club and drinking. It was a good time, and perhaps my new crush was there.....
Last Sunday: Drive Gangsta and my new crush back to their cars, and then proceed to nap. Rudely awakened by Tianna (not really), and go to my aunts house. Eat ice cream, come home. Pack. Pretty uneventful day actually.
Monday: Go to work (late), goof around (not really), get a iced chai latte (my new obsession), and then go to the airport. Off to Pittsburgh! Pittsburgh is surprisingly nice. We did the inclines, drove around the city, checked into our king deluxe rooms, enjoyed our complimentary cheese platters, and then head off to dinner at the Church Beer Works. Cool little restaurant, great pizza, great atmosphere. It actually is in an old church. After that we were so tired, it was off to bed. Found this cool show on PBS about the USS Nimitz (an aircraft carrier) and during the show they were in Guam, so it had me hooked from the beginning!
Tuesday: This was the longest day of my life. We did breakfast at the Westin, did a site tour, and then went to the convention center. We were there a LONG time, but their convention center is really cool. It's the only green convention center in the country, and as the American Agricultural Economics Association, that ranks pretty high. After that went to about 6 more hotels, saw about 30 hotel rooms (once you've seen one, you've seen them all), and basically saw how the other half travels. Pittsburgh has nice hotel rooms, if anyone needs a recommendation. We did lunch at the Renaissance (which, in all honesty, I did not enjoy), and were off to drive around the city a bit more. We then went to our hotel rooms for a bit to get ready for dinner, which was at Eleven. FANTASTIC! We kept getting free food from the chef, and started off with cheese and crab cakes, and then moved onto our main entrees. Deliscious! Dessert was fantastic as well. Oh, and I found a red wine that I like :) Then it was off to bed, as I was a tired puppy (or should I say kitten?).
Wednesday: Wake up early, go to breakfast in Pittsburgh at Pamela's Diner. I had these banana and chocolate chip pancakes that were out of this world! It was pretty much straight to the airport from there, where I was going to Cincinnati. Arrive in Cincinnati and take my time going to baggage, as I needed an iced chai latte (natch). As I'm walking there, I hear my name, calm down Venus, I'm on my way. I was literally two minutes away from meeting my contact, Venus. Meet up with her and she starts driving me around Kentucky, and we go to lunch at the Brio Tuscany Grill. Great food, had the mushroom ravioli pasta and a caesar salad. After that it's more driving, and then to the hotel to check into my junior suite :) We meet up a little bit later to walk the convention center. It's also a nice convention center, not as green as Pittsburgh's, but no one else's is. After that it's dinner at Nicholson's, a Scottish Pub, and a show. We saw the Alvin Ailey dance troupe, and it was fantastic. Any of my avid readers (all 4 of you?) would have loved it! Then it was beddy-bye because this girl was tired!
Today: Wake up, and do breakfast at the Hyatt along with a site visit. They have a very nice hotel, and it's all but connected to the convention center. Their cute little concierge, Kami, literally ran off to get me a red bull. Fantastic service! He kept bowing-it was adorable. From there we go to the Hilton, which is where I stayed, and do a site visit of their property. They have a historic Hilton, and the ballrooms were beautiful. Great meeting space, and I wish I could use it to host an event! After that, I have an hour to gather my belongings before Venus picks me up. She drives me around the city some more, and then we do lunch at her favorite chinese place. We walk in the old chinese guy says "How are you sir" to Venus, which was kind of funny. He then hands me a menu and I say "Thank you" all perky-like, and he says "No, we thank you" back to me. Too cute for words. After lunch she drives me to the airport, as really, there was nothing left to do. I sat in the airport for a bit, texted Tianna because I was bored, and then got on the plane.
And now I'm home. The kittens were so happy to see me, and I was just as happy to see them, trust me. I didn't have any socks left in my hamper, but found them hidden throughout the house, which was nice of them. Right now I have a lap full of Cheddar, who is trying to get me to go to bed so he can annoy me for 7 hours :)
So, friends, that is my week, and that is why I have not posted anything lately. Hope that explains.
And to anyone who got this far, thanks for reading :) Much love.
Typed by Andrea at 7:26 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Open for business
Hey there! Sorry I haven't caught everyone up in a while. Not a whole lot going on, but I thought I would give an update.
I was in Florida for a long weekend last weekend. It was great. I got to see Gail, Becky, and Mary, and also made a new friend named Helene. We took a day trip to St. Augustine, and generally just spent some time together. I hadn't seen Gail in 5 years, not since Joe Biederman's wedding! Time flies!
Both Cheddar and Mozzarella are fixed and doing great. Poor Mozzarella isn't recovering as quickly as her big, bully brother. He's so sweet and has the best intentions, but just needs attention all the time and doesn't understand that Mozzie and I need some alone time every once in a while! Haha.
I have discovered a love for Non-fat Chai lattes. They are the best thing on earth, and I mean it. The ones at the cafe right next door to where I work are fantastic, and I wish I could afford to drink them all day long, every day.
There was a big thrift sale in town this weekend, and I found a few good things. It was freezing in the building though, even colder than it was outside!
Speaking of being cold-is anyone else ready for spring and/or summer? Just as soon as I'm about to shake these winter blues, it snows!
That's about it in my little world. Work is about to get crazy, which means long hours and crazy deadlines, etc. Luckily, I like to work ahead on things, so I've gotten myself to a good spot (so far....). I'm trying to convince Tianna to come to Orlando/Florida with me in July, so hopefully the Rowe sisters will have a little mini vacation this summer.
All right, it's Sunday night and I have to get these kittens to sleep so they can go to school in the morning!
Typed by Andrea at 7:09 PM 2 thoughts on the matter
Monday, March 31, 2008
Breaking the law
#1-1998, going to Club 10 to hang out with Mikey and the crew. Why wasn't I working I wonder now...
#2-Pretty sure it was around 1999-2000 coming home from Winona or something.
#3-2002, coming back from celebrating Kelly's birthday (Mikey was also there...I blame him). An interesting side note, I also locked my keys in my car this day.
#4-2004, driving up to see my dad after a surgery. An interesting side note, I had just gotten a new tire twenty miles before I got caught speeding. Another interesting side note, I was in the Navy and my friend Falkenbury got in trouble for not noticing how "fast the trees were going by and telling me to stop driving so fast."
#5-Ohio. It was awful.
So, there you have it folks. My six speeding tickets. In my defense, I've gotten pulled over 12 times, so at least I'm batting .500.
Typed by Andrea at 7:45 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
You take the good, you take the bad...
The good:
-The mole was not cancerous
-I think my scalp is getting better (finally)
-Cheddar is neutured and will no longer be able to impregnate his sister and make "Kraft Singles"
-I am finally done with MDS and only working for AAEA
-I am going to Florida next week
The bad:
-Acne still a problem :(
-It is supposed to snow tomorrow
-Gas prices
-I'm now 28
A few side notes:
-I think Sarah should think green by only flushing her toilet once a day
-I think Kelly should name her next baby after me
-I think Jason Castro should quit American Idol and just start touring in little clubs, and I will be a groupie
-I can't wait for the Sex and the City movie to come out
-Cribbage is the best game in the whole world
Typed by Andrea at 8:23 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Sunday, March 9, 2008
My New Life
I've been doing a lot of day dreaming. My new life consists of the following:
1. Move to Florida. Not in a touristy area, but an off the beaten path town on the ocean.
2. Find a cute little cottage with a quick path to the beach, and an outdoor shower.
3. Move into said cottage.
4. Rid myself of all dress clothes and only own jeans with holes in them and sandals. Oh, I will have my "nice" pair of jeans w/out holes for fancy occasions.
5. Learn how to surf.
6. Read.
7. For money I will do tarot readings.
8. Learn how to do really good tarot readings!
9. Own a beat up car.
10. Shop organically.
11. I will keep up w/ my hygiene as I am not fully convinced of the hippie lifestyle.
12. Own more tye dye.
13. The kittens will be able to go outside and then come in through the doggy door.
14. I will drink every night before I go to bed, but not to get drunk.
15. I will run on the beach every day.
16. I will wear a lot of sun screen.
17. Make friends with the locals.
18. Use my savy meeting planning skills to throw great parties.
That is my new life. Don't know when I will start it, but everyone is welcome to join me and/or visit.
As only a hippie would say, Peace!
Typed by Andrea at 7:39 PM 4 thoughts on the matter
Monday, March 3, 2008
Today I went to the dermatologist for two things: my scalp and a mole that has changed. He said my scalp was actually getting better, slowly but surely. He said the mole had to go. That's all fine and dandy, great news, especially knowing the fate of someone very close to me.
He then numbs the area and tells me he will be back with his nurse. About 3-5 minutes later he's back and tells me to lie back, etc. He then wants to test the area and asks if I can feel about three different needles, which I reply "yes". He asks "What does it feel like?" I say "A needle." Apparently he doesn't believe me, because about a second later out comes the mole. He said "What did that feel like?" in between my shock and awe I said "I don't know, I've never felt anything like that before." I don't know why he didn't believe me when I said I could feel it! Then came the worst part...the stitches. By then he knew I wasn't joking but we were too far in to turn back! So, I felt a mole removal, four needles, and three stitches today....not exactly what I was prepared for!
I go back in two weeks, so more news then!
Oh, other than that...not much else going on. Got to hang out with LB (that's short for Lori Bysong), went to Rockford to see the family, and had a fantastic weekend all around!
Typed by Andrea at 7:59 PM 2 thoughts on the matter
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Sorry I suck
I wish to apologize to my avid readers (all 4 of you) for the lack of posts. I suck at this whole blog thing. The real kicker is I told Tianna I would, but she still made me do it! I don't have any adorable children, a fantastic boyfriend, or even an exciting life to let everyone in on!
I have had a few thoughts lately though, so I will leave you with those:
1. I have found that my mood is dependent on the rooms available when I play cribbage (The Blues, Blue Sky, Deep Blues, etc)
2. It's not what you say, but how you say it
3. The thought of growing old with someone excites me
4. I turn 28 soon, and I'm actually kind of looking forward to it, and not just for the gifts
5. I will only wear comfortable shoes for unmentionable reasons
6. Instead of reacting, I will think about my wanted reaction and then react once I've figured out if it's appropriate
7. I want to move again, just have not picked the destination
8. I always reach my goals, so I need to set more of them
All right loves, that is all from me. Have a safe and pleasant tomorrow.
Typed by Andrea at 8:53 PM 2 thoughts on the matter
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Snow day!
Yep, even I get snow days! If MPS (Milwaukee Public Schools) closes, then I don't have to leave my house! I've already done some work this morning, and actually brought some home with me, but I have this killer headache so that might be a late afternoon project!
Other than the snow day, not a whole lot is going on in these parts. I've been laying low, like I had mentioned before, trying to save (ie not spend) money, and just concentrate on a healthier lifestyle. I've started the South Beach diet with Tianna, and quitting smoking is next. I will definitely keep everyone updated. For the first time in a while, both Ti and I are excited about something, an it's an awesome feeing.
There is still something going on with me healthwise, but it's not MRSA, which is great. I am getting sick of going to the doctor and going to try to see through their remedies (which so far are not working) for at least a month or two, give it some time and be patient.
So, there is my update! Hopefully something exciting happens soon!
Typed by Andrea at 7:44 AM 1 thoughts on the matter
Sunday, January 27, 2008
If a tree falls in a forest...
Not much going on in Milwaukee-land. Which is good or bad? Not quite sure sometimes! Just living life. It took me a long time to realize that I can't keep waiting for my life to start, that it's happening every day, but now that I have realized that it makes everything much more bearable.
Someone hacked into my yahoo account, which is kind of scary since I have some creditcard stuff coming into that account. This happened about a year ago also, and took a while to fix. So, consider me frustrated. Or should I say color me frustrated?
Turns out I never had a staph infection, but they don't know what it is/what it was. They are treating it as acne, but I've never had acne like this before, and can't imagine I would get adult onset since no one in my family suffers from that. I'm going to hear them out, but dont' know that I'm 100% satisfied with my level of care. I can only partly blame the doctors though, because I know their time constraints, etc.
Tianna and I saw 27 Dresses with our friend Beth friday night. Loved it. But, I'm a sucker for a brainless, thoughtless romantic comedy. Anything with a happy ending is what I want to watch. Am I alone in this? I hate watching movies where it's just one bad thing happening after another-don't we get that enough in real life? I don't just enjoy romantic comedies, but movies like King Kong or 9mm are just too much, you are too edgy watching it and can never just relax, which is why I would be watching a movie in the first place.
I'm trying to think of anything else going on, and honestly-I've got nothing. Just getting integrated into the new position, working at the Deucetree again, nothing major. Oh, I've got big news-one of my best friends Kelly is pregnant again. Wait-everyone who reads this probably already knows that :)
Typed by Andrea at 4:42 PM 0 thoughts on the matter
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Don't just sit there....
Again, I will start with apologies about having been so long. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in my life. Last weekend I went up north to see some awesome friends. Friday night I got to Nicki's after taking off directly after work. I missed her little sex toy party (aw shucks), but we went out to Lakeside, one of my favorite haunts in Menomonie. We had a great time, drank a few beers, had a lot of laughs, the usual.
The next morning is when the true coordination began. First we woke up (duh) and went to Woodville to see Sarah, Kelly, and Emma. We stopped at this new bakery in Menomonie called "Cravings" for something to bring, and were on the road. A shy 20 minutes later, we were there! Sarah's new "twin home" is adorable, and it was great seeing everyone. Emma is adorable, Kelly is great, Sarah is Sarah is Sarah (which I love), and the maple syrup was room temperature, the way it should be :)
After Sarah's we took off for Menomonie, to switch vehicles, and then run to get Nicki's girls before the game. We headed to Durand and got Amelia. It was nice seeing Durand again, but always brings back such odd feelings for me. We drove past my parents house, and I'm so glad I wasn't alone because I would have been a mess. There are two trees and two bushes missing (my dad would be pissed! no-just kidding), but otherwise, it looks the same. After that we went to Ella to get Alexis and then headed home in time for the game.
Jenny and Ani arrived right before kickoff, and it was great seeing them. Mikey arrived shortly thereafter, along with a few of Nicki and Jay's friends. The game was great, the company was fantastic, and the taco dip was flowing like wine. Jenny tried to put Ani down so she could stay a little longer, but that was a no go. So, the four of us (Nicki, Jay, Mikey, and I) played some Wii and I fell asleep by 9:30. Oops! I woke up at 10:30 to get back to bed by 11:30. I'm seriously getting old.
The next morning was a quick breakfast, more syrup at room temperate, and a quick getaway. I was on the road by 11:30 (okay, 11:50) and home by 3:00. Let's do the math-I drove way tooooooooo fast. But, I made it home, none the poorer.
But, I would like to make a quick mention of my quote. I finally read it, and finally realized it's true. The thing is, I only make professional goals, never personal ones. Why? I always reach (or surpass) my professional goals, am I that afraid of failing myself personally? Am I afraid of being happy? What is it? While I know what I want long term, I guess I don't know what I want for myself in the present and the steps I should be taking to get myself there. This is what I will be thinking about for the next few weeks, as a heads up. So, if you want some deep conversation about life and goals and all that, hit me up. But, you will probably just get a quasi-deep, superficial conversation and a few laughs, so don't be surprised :)
Also, I love cribbage. I play it whenever I can. I'm obsessed. I should join a club. Or a support group, I'm not sure which one.
All right peeps, that's it for now. Talk to you soon!
Typed by Andrea at 7:51 PM 1 thoughts on the matter
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Sorry it's been so long
Hey everyone, sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Nothing too exciting on the Ande-front. I was sick for New Year's, so that was a bummer. Although, it did give me an excuse to skip my least favorite holiday! Haha.
I'm starting the transition into my new job, which is exciting. The learning curve is always a little weird with something like this, but I like it all the same.
Christmas was fantastic-I won at the casino, and also won at Ho Chunk a few days later. I got to see some friends over the break/vacation, which was much needed, but is making it that much harder to get back into the swing of things!
The next couple of months I am going to be no fun-I apologize ahead of time. I'm going to really try to save money, which also means I will be no fun. If you want to play some cribbage or watch a movie, hit me up and I'm all yours!
Typed by Andrea at 2:59 PM 3 thoughts on the matter